Patented technology

Our team of data scientists continuously strengthen our measurement solutions and capabilities. Using patented technology, billups defines outcomes with pinpoint accuracy.

Pioneering concepts that inspire progress in OOH advertising

Our patented IP fuels our measurement and enables a unique understanding of how consumers engage with ads, how they are influenced, and even how to inspire action.

Our OOH technology and creative
media solutions


This patent enables us to accurately define the viewability of a certain OOH unit while factoring in travel speed, obstructions, dwell time, elevation, viewing angles, and surroundings.

Moments & locations

Interested in applying a more targeted approach to planning? This patent allows us to craft predictive behavioral audiences across micro-targeted and hyperlocal market segmentation based on mobile data signals.

Verification system

A verification system for delivering messages transmitted by mobile communication systems that allows us to assess exposures to moving formats such as fleets, and other non-traditional media formats.

Object location

Computer vision model to find OOH placements’ exact longitude, latitude, facing, height, and incline. This patent enables accurately constructed and unique viewsheds and determines the user’s opportunity to view.

Drift-based mapping

This patent allows for more complex attribution modeling, such as exposure to subterranean units by using error-inherent mobile data traces to map audience visitations in and out of buildings.

Privacy-preserving attribution

For privacy-preserving attribution, exposure to physical media is determined on the mobile device and shared remotely without revealing locations or identifiers. This ensures private data stays on the device while allowing attribution results to be used by others.