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Billups Analytics

Analyze and Optimize Your Out-of-Home Performance

Dive deeper into your campaign performance, discover essential insights, and boost your results with our qualitative analytics provided by the Billups Analytics™ dashboards and advanced studies.


Pre-planning solutions

Placement Strategy

Utilize Audience Heatmaps to visualize global audience densities and Inventory Indexing to identify the most visible OOH units for your target audience.

Creative Insights

Harness Creative Attention Mapping for insights into human attention on your creatives, with our technology providing comprehensive photo and video analysis.


For too long, the Out-of-Home industry has grappled with the lack of rapid, accurate, and dependable measurement of results. Billups Analytics ™ Attention Dashboard solves this challenge by providing reports from campaigns in near-real time, ensuring  the investment is worthwhile.



Attention Score: Determine how well the unit captures attention.

Timing (as in calendar)-01

Dwell Time: Measure how long viewers engage with an ad.


Frequency: Quantify the amount of times the creative was seen.

calculate market reach

Reach: Discover the percentage of your target audience your ads reach. 


Audience: Gain insights into your audience's demographics.

Find more details in

The Measurement White Paper


Billups Analytics™ Brand Study Dashboard seamlessly blends advanced analytics with intuitive visualizations. It's your gateway to data-driven decision-making and strategic brand optimizations, keeping you one step ahead in the competitive landscape. Elevate your Out-of-Home (OOH) campaigns through continuous improvement, ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.

ad recall

Ad Recall: Enhance recall for lasting impressions.


Ad Likability: Craft campaigns that resonate positively.

Market awareness

Market Awareness: Strategically broaden your reach.

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness: Strengthen your brand presence.

Brand Perception

Brand Perception: Shape positive perceptions.

Brand consideration

Brand Consideration: Drive consumer consideration.

net promoter score

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Cultivate brand advocates.


Our data scientists, media experts & industry professionals are here to help

Advanced Measurement

Leverage Billups patented solutions to solve advanced OOH measurement challenges, such as fleet measurement or creative analysis.

Website Visitation

To identify the visitation and conversion changes from the exposure event we intersect the exposed devices with devices that have visited the website and apply a method to see the differences between visitation behavior before and after the campaign.

laptop graphs2
App Downloads

To measure the impact that the campaign had on app visitation, online sales, or app downloads, we cross-reference devices that were exposed with those that have taken action. 

Location visitation

Compare the footfall lift to the POIs (points of interest) related to your OOH campaign. Identify the audience that was brought by your ad by assessing their exposure and matching the exposed audience with those who visited the noted venue.

Sales Lift

Discover the impact of OOH campaigns on sales with our Sales Lift study. Run campaigns strategically near stores to gain a concise, side-by-side comparison of overall and incremental sales between stores targeted by the ads and those not targeted.

Exposure Delivery

The Exposure Delivery study unlocks precise insights into top-performing markets and OOH units. Go beyond estimates, accessing real user exposures based on mobile data for unmatched accuracy.

exposure delivery

Find accountable campaign insights

The dashboard provides valuable insights that will help you better understand the market and uncover expansion opportunities. Dive into the results, find top-performing markets and units, and unearth potential growth opportunities for developing your media plan. 


Ready to Accurately Measure Campaign Results?

Let's keep talking

If you are interested or want to learn more, fill out our contact form, and a team member will be in touch within 48 hours.